“Vokshi & Lata” Law Firm Reconfirmed as Legal 500 Recommended Firm

We are pleased to announce that Vokshi & Lata law firm has been reconfirmed as a “recommended law firm” in the field of “leading firms” by one of the most prestigious sources in the world, Legal 500.
Legal 500 has also individually assessed our lawyers with the highest ratings:
Mr. Adem Vokshi has been rated as a recommended lawyer.
Mr. Florin Lata has earned the title of “Leading Individual”.
While Mr. Urim Vokshi has been rated as a “Next Generation Partner”.
The Legal 500 writes about Vokshi & Lata:
“Vokshi & Lata” Law Firm is notable for its IP practice, continually providing legal advice to multinationals on their intellectual property in Kosovo as well as assisting with the destruction of counterfeits. Energy and tax are also primary areas of focus of the firm, and the team advises clients on licensing procedures and assists with energy trading and energy-related construction projects. Former judge Adem Vokshi leads the firm and is a strong litigation attorney. Florin Lata leads the IP and tax sectors of the firm, while co-head Urim Vokshi is the expert in energy and commercial law matters.”
This positive assessment from Legal 500 is a confirmation of our team’s tireless efforts to provide high-quality professional services. We are proud of our achievement as one of the leading firms in the Republic of Kosovo, and this recognition encourages us to continue working with dedication and passion to fulfill our goals and serve our clients to the best of our ability.
Such success is the result of a continuous commitment to quality, integrity, and dedication to our clients’ needs. We are committed to remaining innovative in our field and to offering personalized solutions to the various challenges our clients face. Such recognitions motivate us to further strengthen our relationships with our clients and to continue building a reputation for quality and customer service at an international level. For more details about our firm’s assessment in Legal 500, we encourage you to visit the official page at: Legal500.